Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mini Drunken Robot

This is my new robot. It is made out of the vibrating motor from a cell phone and a battery. As you see in the second video, the entire thing is the size of a quarter. I call it a drunken robot because it goes in random directions. You can never tell where it is going.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Lego Trebuchet

Yet another catapult... launches a lego guy about 15 ft.

If you can't view the video, visit

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Collapsible Trebuchet

This is my collapsible trebuchet. Traditional trebutchets are powered by weights, but mine is powered by humans. It can launch a screw almost 30 feet.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Shrunken Apple Head

This is my shrunken apple head I made for Halloween. We don't decorate a lot for Halloween, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. It is only an apple with some lemon soaked into it and let to dry.

Friday, August 28, 2009


This is the forklift i made. It still has a few bugs to work out, but it still mostly works.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ladder Golf

This is my ladder golf set I made. You play by throwing the golf ball bolos across the playing area to wrap it around the ladder. Three points for top rung, two for second, one first first.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Solder Gun

I finnally got a soldering gun! So far, I have been doing all conecting with ellectrical tape. This will really help with my projects. Thanks grandma and grandpa!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


This is what I gave dad for fathers day. It is a tic-tac flashlight. I wrapped it in electrical tape and wrote DAD on it and gave it to him.
The dadlight lit up.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Knex Pistol

This is my knex pistol I made. I got the directions from an awesome site called I go on there all the time and have even posted a few. But I found this cool pistol and decided to make it. it uses lots of knex pieces and 5 rubberbands and holds up to 6 shots. All You do is cock it and fire. It is really cool.

This is a picture of the gun cocked and loaded.

This is the trigger mechanism.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My "Sprinkler"

This is my water toy I made. It shoots water about 10 feet up in the air. If you take the endcap at the top off, you can hold down a bottle until it shoots off the end. It's really fun.

This is where the hose connects and the valve is. The vavle is for releiving the pressure when trying to launch a bottle rocket.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Grappling Hook

This is my grappling hook I made a week ago. It's made from 10 ft. of rope, coat hangers, and lots of duct tape. It can hold my weight (87 lbs.), but it bent a lot. If you attempt to make it, be careful.

This is the actual grappling hook.

This is the loop I put my foot in to anchor it to the ground when I am throwing it.

Outa Matt's Head

On this blog, I will post all of my current projects. So check often to find bigger and better stuff.